Meet Dr. Laura Copley

Meet the pioneer in healing relationship trauma — a mother, a globetrotter, and a voice of innovation who is changing the way we look at trauma bonds and toxic relationships. As a seasoned therapist, author, speaker, and podcast host, Laura brings a unique approach to mending the unseen wounds. Her methods are not just innovative; they're mold-breaking, offering a fresh perspective in a field thirsty for change. Her expertise isn't confined to her global clientele of survivors; she also empowers other therapists and healers with her knowledge, spreading her transformative techniques far and wide. This new voice in town isn't just speaking; she's echoing across continents, bringing hope and healing to those who need it most. Join Laura, and together, learn to redefine the path to self-trust and Post-Traumatic Growth.

FREE Trauma Bond Self-Help Booklet

Grab your free copy to start exploring how to untangle
the painful relationship patterns now.

Mentoring and Online Courses

From trauma-informed guidance and mentoring with Laura to educational self-guided courses, the programs offered through this community are life-changing! Our philosophy is centered on the principle of “Pathway Mindset,” a learned healing mentality that guides trauma survivors through their “stuck” places by teaching them new ways to approach their relationship triggers, how to embrace positive change within themselves, and unique approaches to creating inner-happiness, loving relationships, and a blissful life.

Dr. Laura is now offering a self-guided online course called “Untangling the Toxic Dance” to train other coaches, counselors, and healers on how to untangle their client’s toxic relationships. For a limited time, Laura is excited to also offer this renowned training program as a one-on-one mentoring opportunity for a select number of new participants!

Dr. Laura Copley provides self-guided online courses and opportunities for group workshops and individual mentoring.



Check out this signature course to learn powerful strategies and interventions to immediately apply in your sessions with trauma bond survivors.

My Blog: Toxic Love

Check out some of my favorite stories, insights, and strategies on the relationship trauma and attachments wounds.

A place where we talk about all things related to complex trauma, relationship healing, and transformative growth in 30 minutes. 

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Trauma, heartache, betrayal, and abandonment can leave lasting scars that breaks the heart, clouds the mind, and shatters the soul. Dr. Laura Copley understand how painful and damaging your trauma wounds are, and is trained to guide you toward healing. Dr. Laura brings life transformation and Post-Traumatic Growth to your fingertips by offering one-on-one guidance, small group mentoring, powerful courses, online workshops, in-person conferences, live Q&A, and community support for those to connect who are on similar self-healing journey.

Licensed therapist, trauma bond expert, and author of "Loving You is Hurting Me"

Dr. Laura is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Relationship Trauma Expert. She has spent the last decade researching Post-Traumatic Growth and cultivating pathways to positive transformation. Her approach has changed the lives of thousands of clients and students all over the world.

Where You Can Find Laura

Read some of Laura’s expert blogs and watch her guest appearances here.

Check out these other amazing podcasts and episodes featuring Laura.

Come meet Laura this year!

Dr. Laura Copley

Why This Book Is Different

This book is the only trade book written by a practicing trauma-informed therapist who not only addresses ways to heal complex trauma, but also teaches readers how to cultivate positive transformation and Post-Traumatic Growth in their personal lives AND relationships.
This is the first book that takes the shame out of the trauma bond by removing language that labels and stigmatizes, giving readers permission to fully explore their own personal role in the toxic dance from a place of self compassion, insight, and courage.
This book is the first trade book written by a PhD trauma therapist that explains how most “toxic” emotions and behaviors are actually symptoms of underlying trauma and how, through intensive work, they can be treated.
This is the only professionally guided self-exploration book that includes step-by-step, interactive, trauma-informed healing strategies to immediately address your own toxic.

expert reviews

“A compassionate and concrete guide on healing the trauma that gets in the way of having fulfilling relationships, Loving You is Hurting Me offers a groundbreaking perspective on unravelling old toxic patterns and creating a life rich with love, connection, and purpose. Through her expertise as both a therapist and trauma bond survivor, Laura takes our hand and leads us through a deeper understanding of our family origins and helps us reclaim our story of healing and transformation.”

Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone and co-host of the "Dear Therapists" podcast

"This is a read for anyone who is in a relationship or wants to be in a relationship. Dr. Copley does a fantastic job of breaking down an intimidating topic in a way that is thorough, digestible and tangible so you can actually make change. This book gives us a clear guide to understanding ourselves in a way that can lead us to the relationships we all deserve!"

Stacey Sherrell, LMFT and Co-Founder of Decoding Couples --This text refers to the hardcover edition.

"Beautifully written…a must-read for therapists and clients alike! Seamlessly incorporating research, psycho-education, and a variety of creative modalities, as well as poignant case examples and moving anecdotes from the author’s own life, we are invited to compassionately explore the dynamics of attachment trauma and the subsequent wounding, shame, and inevitable trauma bonds that are perpetuated and reenacted in adult relationships. Despite the difficult subject matter, Dr. Copley constantly and lovingly reminds us that we possess the capacity to tap into our own magical wisdom, self-compassion, and inner guardians, and offers thought-provoking and meaningful tools to help us navigate the journey from trauma to transformation and post-traumatic growth."

Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C, author of Finding Your Ruby Slippers: Transformative Life Lessons from the Therapist’s Couch

"When couples get stuck in toxic patterns it’s often not enough to problem-solve and look for solutions. Sometimes to go forward, you have to first go down: into the relationship’s emotional underground. And what’s often there beneath the surface is trauma: two people held together by the pain of their pasts and trapped in patterns that persistently re-traumatize. Thankfully, Laura Copley is right there to guide us, shining a bright light on our emotional underground and showing us that the only way out is not back up, but “through.”

Ian Kerner, sex therapist and NY Times best-selling author of She Comes First

“Dr. Laura Copley has seamlessly woven together research, clinical tools, and memoir to offer us a powerful journey home to ourselves. This book is for everyone who has known hurt but who also knows, even if only quietly in this moment, that they are worthy of wholeness."

Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon, faculty, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University; bestselling author, Love Every Day; podcast host, Reimagining Love